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August 11, 2012 at 5:51 pm Leave a comment

A Christmas Carol Nightmare

Although it has been two years since I worked on a production of A Christmas Carol there is apparently a portion of my brain being used to store information about the props list.  Last night I had a HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE about the show.

It is the opening performance 10:30 am matinee.  I am at the theater and discover we have run out of all of the food props.  Molly from the scene shop has been enlisted to go prop shopping while the crew presets.  She is wearing a green shirt.  She has to go to Safeway (across town) because for some reason we’ve ordered a 16″ chocolate sheet cake with chocolate icing.

The list includes:

– 1 box instant mashed potato flakes

– 1 jar microwavable brown gravy (Mysteriously the “turkey” is not on this list; I can only conclude in Dreamland there is enough turkey in the prop fridge).

– 1 box Maple Brown Sugar Quaker Instant Oatmeal –  It has to be Maple although I will only use half a packet of powder flavoring because Scrooge thinks the flavor is too strong when the whole packet is used.

It is 9:30 am. Molly has to get the Safeway, buy the props and cake and return in time for me to prep & set the oatmeal for the top of Act I.  Also, she has to do all of this on her bicycle.

That is when I awoke in a panic.  My Man says I have been in this business too long.

November 1, 2012 at 12:34 pm Leave a comment

Ode to B.O.

Much of my high school poetry was inspired by boys.  As was this gem, circa 1990.  (All rights reserved.)

October 14, 2012 at 1:24 pm 1 comment

The perfect backpack.

All I want in a backpack is that it be water-resistant and comfortable for bicycling, convert to a stylish hand bag appropriate for business meetings, have conveniently located secure pockets but not too many, and match with my blue winter coat, orange trench, pink blazer and any other jacket I purchase in the future.

Has anyone seen my backpack?

September 20, 2012 at 11:13 am 2 comments

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